Monday, February 20, 2012

To Friends !

There are 365 (or so) days in a year and most of them are taken to celebrate one relationship or another, one emotion or another, one occasions or another. From fathers, to mothers, to brothers, to sisters, to friends and other relatives, there is a day of the year dedicated to celebrating them and the bond we share with them. Some of these days like Valentine's day are actually taken very seriously and cause quite a stir in the lives of many people. 

While many people celebrate these days with a special something - a gesture, a token of appreciation, a small wish, there are many others, the so called skeptics or cynics who brand the whole idea of dedicating days to relationships as a mere propaganda by the commercial companies, a capitalist manifesto of companies retailing gifts, cakes, flowers and cards.

I am a romantic at heart but I still dislike the idea of dedicating (just) a day in a year to people who are special to me. I'd rather do something special when I truly, deeply feel like it, on a random day of the year than when the world dictates. But then there are others who rightly say that in the fast-paced monotony of daily existence, we often forget to acknowledge those who matter to us; and that these days are an opportunity for us to stop and say what we have always meant to but just never gotten down to. 

I still don't subscribe to the thought of waiting for a day in the year to celebrate my friends or my family. And so I celebrate them whenever i can - day or no-day ! 

Today was a day of gratitude for my friends, who have brought me a lot of great memories and a lot of happiness. They have changed me and conserved me, scolded me and pampered me, laughed with me (and laughed at me ;P) and cried with me - all in good measure and I have always felt lucky to have them in my life. 

Love you, guys !

To Friends...

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