Friday, January 17, 2014


I have fallen countless times - tripping over words, blinded by hopes, slipping over trust, guided by shadows and sometimes just stumbling through the dark.

Every fall taught me a different lesson, but more importantly, it helped me get up faster and with drier eyes.

And so today, when I fell again, outsmarted by fate and happenstance, I could not dwell much longer.
It was at a time I thought all was going well and in the right direction. It was when I thought i have found my lowest of lows and now the only way should be up. But then fate had other plans.

But despite all that and more, strangely, I am surrounded by a cloak that's come on every time I've felt a shiver run through. Something has held me through - from shattering. From crumbling. It has kept me going.

I guess, this is the time to thank all those falls - terrible, painful, untimely, brutal and vindictive as they might have been then - today, they let me move on with nothing but a tear or two and a few lines in memory.

Have I stopped feeling or just reacting? Have I become immune to failure? Or is this just another delusion, another fall waiting to happen?

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