Tuesday, December 30, 2014


Cities - these densely populated clusters of humanity guzzling resources and energy. These eclectic ensembles of people from disparate regions and origins. Different in their hues and shades and yet painted with similar strokes.

I grew up in cities but they remain an enigma to me when I think about them.

Are they man's victory over Nature or our last stand before complete retreat? 
Are they resource efficient, well organized settlements or are they resource intensive, haphazard clusters?
Are they a melting pot of cultures or merely a single malignant culture? 
Are they a sign of man's victory or a sign of our surrendering the rest to nature? 
Are they a sign of hubris that we keep building them over and over despite every assault from the elements? 
Are they a sign of human prosperity and endeavor or are they merely nature's tolerance of human whimsy?  
Are they a source of pride and joy or a mission gone awry?

I return to cities, over and over, like the ocean bluffs finding their way to the shore - almost as if I had no where else to go. Why? 

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