Sunday, January 3, 2016

A year in numbers...

Some years are better than others but the good thing about a bad year is that almost anything after seems better. So that was 2015 for me - the year after a storm.
I did a little more. I learnt more.
I fell less often and when I did, I rose up faster. I ran more. I dreamt more. And I let myself worry about fewer things in life. I met many more wonderful people even as I lost the assurance of some close relationships.
I have some good memories I want to hold onto.
I have some bad memories I am ready to forget.

But unlike most years there are some numbers that define this year for me...

2015 = 68 books in 365 days
2015 = -15 to 20 pounds in ~365 days
2015 = 3 trips in 150 days
2015 = 46 paintings in 365 days
2015 = ~ 500 - 800 miles running in 365 days
2015 = 6000 - 7000 words in 60 days

This year, I want to do atleast this much if not more.

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