Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Notes to self...

Your story may not have such a happy beginning, but that doesn’t make you who you are, it is the rest of your story, who you choose to be…


"Andrew! Hey! Hey, listen to me! Han Solo is not a loser. Han Solo... got encased in carbonite and that was a big mess-- but that's not what he's remembered for... He's remembered as the guy who made the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs, and who braved the sub-zero temperatures of the ice planet Hoth in order to save someone he cared about from the big ugly wampa. He's remembered as the guy who swooped down at the last minute, blasted Darth Vader out of the sky, so that Luke could use the force and-- and destroy the damn Death Star! Okay? Princess Leia saved him from the carbonite, and they fell in love, and they saved the universe, and they had twin Jedi babies that went on to save the universe again. Right? Now that's the whole picture. The carbonite was just a piece."

--- A quote by Miranda Bailey in Grey's anatomy


It helps to see the bigger picture every now and then. It helps to remember that in the bigger picture these smaller shortcomings and pitfalls may not even exist.
It helps to remember that you are more than a bad day, a bad year, a bad choice or a bad person. It helps to remember that you are who you choose to be. And that you can always change - yourself and your life !

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