Thursday, February 25, 2010

A world without words…

A world without words…

Hard to imagine but there sure was one before humanity found these tiny nuggets as means of communication and expression. But, today where I stand, I find it impossible to even conceive a world where I didn’t have them at my disposal… How would I communicate, even to myself ? I think with words ? Will I be the same person if I didn’t have them around…?
We all live in a world of words - our's and other's….. So what happens if they are no longer around… I have been pursuing the thought and It is scary indeed… No wonder, the evolution of language was a milestone in human evolution…

But, then there are still other people who refuse to appreciate the beauty of words… some one once asked me why do you choose to use these "complicated" words to say simple things… ??? Well, it never really occurred to me … complicated ? Words ? I love words, They are my tools to understanding myself and others, voicing my thoughts… Why insist on the right word at the right place ? Well, why not ??? When words become your friends, you want them to be in the right places at the right time…
With that thought, I stand firm on course to develop my budding friendship with these linguistic wonders….

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