that had me yawning...
I was on a bus ride from home,
that had me sitting like a lost gnome.
And then there was a harmless conversation,
that led to the inception of a plan beyond my wildest imagination.
It was a great conspiracy,
And so I found a partner to work with great secrecy.
The plan was made,
and the plot was laid...
Off we went on our tiny escapade,
from the everyday mundane, to form the surprise action brigade...
With a lot of excitement, and plans galore,
Off we went on the streets of Bangalore.
Armed with balloons and streamers,
we were two dreamers.
On the list, were also tiaras and wands,
To take two pretty angels to faraway fairy lands.
Next on the list was a chocolate cake,
which we couldn't wait to partake.
And then, at the appointed hour,
phone calls were made to the gang of four.
Lo and behold, there was a pop to surprise,
This was a party in disguise.
There was laughter and smiles with truck loads of fun...
All under the afternoon sun.
Candles were blown and cakes were cut,
It was a fabulous way to get out of the rut.
And then there followed a wild road chase
Through the city, we had a clock to race.
We landed in time, all jubilant and resplendent,
It was after all a dinner with a Rogue elephant...
It was night to remember,
with memories to cherish forever..
beautiful moments captured,
that left us all enraptured....
Oh what a day it was... :)

PS - It was a wonderful day. A day good enough to compel me into undergoing some public humiliation like this with such juvenile attempts at rhyming words... :-)
he he...loved every bit of the surprise and this juvenile attempt!!
if u remember, the very first surprise for the group had the same conspirators at the helm, one business - as - usual night at Krithika , yr 6600 and microsoft powerpoint...its almost like we've come a full circle...:)
This will stay with me for long time for sure...
it indeed was :-) but don't want to put it down into words..they'll get diluted :-D
:) very sweetly captured dear.. kudos to you girls for pulling off a brilliant one.. assuming proportions i hadn't expected.. everything was perfect.. the company.. the location.. the food.. :) :)
and how can i not ack dj's excellent act.. i had no clue she was with you on this one, though i by and large claim to know what she is upto.. :P
it was beautiful.. and it never struck me.. as dj said.. its come a full circle.. :) :)
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