Saturday, October 15, 2011

Marking time...

Years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds and so on... So many ways to measure time but sometimes all these metrics pass you by and the mind fails to register that what it obviously knows. The mind seems to be looking for some other signs. Some other ways to mark time. Festivals, Anniversaries, birthdays, seasons... These are the metrics that seem to register the passage of time in our mind. The rest remain as just numbers, facts and extraneous details to be recorded. 

As I walked back from the car today after a looong week and anticipating a light weekend... something happened to change my perception of time. I looked up at the trees and I saw the beginnings of fall colours. "Fall" is hardly the fall one thinks of, in sunny California, but this is perhaps the closest that I will get to from where I am. And those stray vibrant hues of yellow and orange amidst the greens seemed to be able to tell my mind something that my daily scribblings in the record book failed to - the passage of time. It is going to be a whole year since I came here. I am still away by a few months from the "anniversary" but the "home-sickness" and nostalgia have hit already. What seemed like a little while back till yesterday suddenly feels like a long time ago today... just because my mind finally registered the passing of time... And there are only more such metrics yet to come - Diwali, Christmas, Birthdays..... A lot of days to remind me of the swift pace of time... a lot of days to remind me of some distances and some relationships...  

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