As I take my first few steps on the blogosphere, one question does haunt me... why am I writing "blogs" ? Why am I leaving these tiny pieces of me in the public domain, subject to everyone's scrutiny ? What am I looking for ? An audience, acceptance, a means of communication, a sounding board or just a repository of my random thoughts ? Well, the answer is not clear to me ... I dont think i am looking for acceptance but all the other reasons seem to playing their tiny roles in my first few days here...
Thoughts always have this tendency of flitting in and out of one's mind... some are just glimpses of a deeper thought which you fail to grasp on to when they are just transiently floating around... However, the moment one decides to fit these thoughts into words, things crystallize, you ponder more and deeper and then a form emerges... Perhaps, not what you started out with but definitely a new form.. It gives clarity and perspective.. Perhaps, that's why i am writing or rather attempting to write..
It is also a way of expression... I mean, a lot of times at least with me, words dont sound right, as in, as they were intended. Sarcasm may sound like an insult, a compliment may sound like a sarcasm or witty sarcasm may sound like a compliment... The time lapse, the ability to use the "del" key and the absence of voice modulation make writing a relatively safe way of expression... :-)
More than anything, i guess, I am writing as a repository of my thoughts over time. People change with time... we all do. I guess, I just want to be able to see the change in me more radically than ever...
And, so, like a little child, taking his first tentative steps in the world, I am taking my first steps into the blogosphere... I may fall a lot and not like what I write, but I will endeavor to not give up at least, in the hope that someday, I may just about manage to walk well, if not run... !!!
Mean while, some of the blogs i follow and their writers need to be thanked for providing their fingers on which i am holding onto for thoughts, ideas and encouragement in these early days...
its thoughts like these that make me fully appreciate J K Rowling's concept of the pensive.. One needs to fully appreciate the art of thinking and the need to bring it back now and then to arrive on such a satisfyingly beautiful concept.. and what can be more brilliant than to actually relive that moment to the fullest.. 3 cheers to that creativity!!! :)
you know what, the pensieve is actually one of the things i really like from the HP series... the 2 things i wish i could have... pensieve and the invisible cloak... I guess, i am only seeking the ability to read other people's minds and leave parts of my mind untouched... But I am also sure memory is over rated and once i had the ability to remember, i would want to forget a lot of things... And ya, the best thing about HP is the creativity... !! 3 cheers to that !! :)
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