Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Feeling lucky... :)

It has been raining for two days now. The heavens seem to be tired of battling gravity as the waters have been relentlessly. Dark clouds gather all around and somehow they reflect my state of mind. Not melancholic, but my mind is certainly in throes of fatigue. Tired to fight. It has come to accept certain things as they are almost like how the clouds let earth have its way. It is acceptance that has come with a long day's struggle.

As i saw the raindrops trickling down the walls, I decided to venture out for some air and some clarity. It was not raining, just a weak drizzle. But there was still a chillness in the air as a cold breeze danced around reveling in its freedom. I walked through the courtyard, glistening because of the daylong rain and I am wondering what to think about. Somehow an empty mind makes a lot of noise and I am happier with my mind flowing in one direction than scattering all over like the water from the fountain behind me. I hear the gushing sounds of water as it rushes to hit the ground below. The water sounds agitated as if in a hurry to get somewhere. As if by hurrying in the present, he would be able to change the future. I listen to his flow and strangely i feel calm. I smile. The sound of the water behind me has dulled the sounds in my head. Sounds of his anxiety have strangely calmed me and i stood there listening, i could suddenly feel the warmth of a blanket around me.

I see the sun peek out of the dark, ominous looking clouds. He is radiant and suddenly i feel the warmth of an embrace even as the cold winds surge along. I feel happy and peaceful. It feels like the sun came out only to give me a hug. It is irrational and too self involved but somewhere i was happy with that belief. I felt special as i stood there humming a song in my mind.

But in that warmth, i can feel your presence. I can feel your reassurance. Because just like the sun you too made me feel special today. Special beyond my realms of reasoning or explanation. Beyond my words and beyond my imagination. As you scrambled through your mind to come up with those words, I was grateful for your effort and i was happy for the change. Even as i see you take your first few steps with a push, i hope that you would walk the rest of way of your own desire. But i sure feel blessed today for having seen you take the first step... May it be the beginning of many more great things to come...

"vous souhaite un heureux voyage" :)

and thank you for the warm glow i have on a cloudy day ... :)

1 comment:

Veena said...

:) hug.. just like the sun..