Saturday, March 26, 2011

I walk...

We all have our own ways of dealing with things. Some eat. Some pray. Some sing. Some love and some drink. Some talk while some cry. Some sleep and some fight. I walk.

I walk to escape problems and I walk to confront them. I walk to remember and i walk to forget. I walk when i am happy and I walk when I am lonely.
I walk and the road walks with me. We follow a steady rhythm. I walk for miles on end trying to clear my mind. I walk in silence and I walk to the sound of music to forget the noise in my head. I walk hoping that the thoughts in my head would follow the rhythm of my feet. I walk for miles on end and then somewhere along the way, my mind just wants to break into a run. To run through all shackles and to run through the wind.

And then the steady rhythm of the heart is accelerated as my feet pick up, like this is what they always wanted to do. And I run.

I run and all I feel is the Wind. Within me and around me.
The blood rushes through my veins and a new warmth surges through me breaking the cold walls that had held me back. I strain to hear the whispers from the wind amidst my pulse and the sound of my feet on the concrete. I listen and I keep running. My heart and my feet had started together but soon enough the synchrony is lost as my heart is racing away and my feet are still following the steady rhythm they started off with.

And then somewhere along the way there is a disconnect. My heart has gone way ahead of me. As I keep running, somewhere along the way, for a few brief moments, I and the road have become one. I can see no further than the next few steps. And all that remains of me is the wind in my chest and the fatigue in my legs.

I will stop soon but not before the walls of my lungs have gasped for every breath they have taken and my feet have labored for every step. I feel like I have been purified by fire and I feel like I am new all over again. I slow down as my heart and my feet catch up with their tales. They both have more to talk about and i feel like an intruder there. My mind soon hops into the conversation and we are all back in our elements. I feel at one with myself all over again. All of me in back together and moving to one constant rhythm. To the beat of my heart.

I am now at the happy place in my mind where i should always be. Where silence is welcomed as is noise. Where no problem is too big and no solution is too small. Where problems are welcomed as are solutions. I lose myself only to find myself all over again.

I walk to freedom.

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