Sunday, May 8, 2011

My first few steps....

A dream to start with.
A year of savings and a new camera.
Many a trips and many a clicks.
Some words of advice and some words of appreciation.
A small suggestion and a big opportunity.
A couple of days spent rummaging through old pictures.
An entry list of sorts. A night of editing and uploading.
A long wait and a wonderful surprise.

I happened to send in some of my photographs for the EMBO cover page contest at the advice of a friend. And, since it was on a short notice, it was a hurried effort with no great anticipation but then to my surprise, some of my shots were actually retained in the final few. They are definitely not among the best but I am glad they made it through to the top 100 from among the more than 3000 entries received by the journal.

It is a new beginning now. From those first circumspect steps to the more confident steps of today. I know I am walking in the right direction and I am happy for the people in my life. I am grateful for the words of encouragement, those facebook "likes" and those critical comments. Those walks down the unfamiliar paths as I stared into my camera and my friends tolerated my obsession with ample sarcasm... ;) I am grateful for those happy moments that gave me something to capture; And for those moments of melancholy that drove me to my camera.

Here is a link with some of the original entries:

And here is a link of the final selection of pictures at the EMBO journal site:
And this is where my single survivor shot comes in...

I am glad to have made it so far but as Frost said it so eloquently "there are miles to go before I sleep"... :)


SecondSight said...

Congratulations! That is a beautiful shot alright, and making the list is completely well-deserved :)
Hope it's the first step on a long and happy path :)

Suvasini said...

Thank you.. glad you liked it... :)

I sure hope it is a happy journey ahead...
I guess that's how the first steps grow to become the journey of a life time.

Neeraja said...

Wonderful! Congratulations! :)

Karthik said...

Congrats !! That's a beautiful shot !:-) All the best for your adventures in photography in future too !

Suvasini said...

Thank you guys... :)