Friday, February 4, 2011

Unity in differences...

We are friends despite the seemingly big differences that alter our approaches and shift our perspectives dramatically.

While you believe, that problems, issues and thoughts should be framed in words, dissected, analyzed and resolved, I shy away from words. I like having some of my thoughts freed from the bondage of words. Irrational as it may sound, to me molding my thoughts into words makes them real. I can wish away my fears as long as they are in my head but the moment they enter the shared space of our thoughts and minds, I feel like my fears have become real.

To me some things are best left unsaid.
To me silences can speak more than the words and relationships can hear the sounds of silence.

To you, knowledge of your loved one is instrumental while to me it is almost immaterial.

While you believe in molding a relationship, I believe in letting it have a life of its own.

Trust and hope come easily to you while my pragmatism struggles with my hopes everyday.

While you believe in changing people, I believe that people can never change that attempting to change them is criminal in some ways.

While you believe that our relationships, give us rights over each other, I believe that we are all free spirits with no one having any authority on us and we having no power over anyone else.

While you believe that mutual consonance strengthens a relationship and disagreements can cause rifts; I believe that disagreements like friction are good in modest amounts. Like friction, disagreements infuse warmth and trust into a relationship. They can also shed new light that offers a new perspective !

While you seek for resonance, I am happy with knowing that you will be beside me no matter what, showing me the right path and leading me along.

While you strive for understanding, of yourself and others, I look for acceptance and tolerance - just as we are.

Maybe some day, we will find the right words or someday, we will not need any words... but till then,
we are in many ways like the two faces of a coin - very different and yet bound together by unity. In some ways, we complete each other while in some others we don't understand each other.

Different approaches and different perspectives but all to the same end... because we are, after all, friends who care.


SecondSight said...

I'm always fascinated by the infinite standpoints people take on such issues, a continuum that includes all the relationships in the world :).

I am one of those that think understanding is a prerequisite for acceptance- seems more scientific to me. A question though- how does one disagree with someone else without voicing a thought or opinion?

Suvasini said...

The infinite standpoints are definitely fascinating... :)

On the question of understanding, as a pre-requisite for acceptance, i do differ. With my friends and family, I believe in unconditional acceptance (well almost ! because you cant tolerate them doing something scathingly wrong and unjust)... I believe that for my loved ones, i may not understand all their actions, in fact i mostly dont... but i still love them for what they are and have been...

As for disagreeing... I can disagree with someone based on their action, their expression or their words, and in all cases, I still need not say anything... ;) I dont think i need to agree with everything you say or do for us to be friends... we can be great friends even if we are very different people, as long as we care, respect and tolerate...

I don't know if make any sense to you but i am definitely not analyzing and dissecting kind of a person.

SecondSight said...

Voicing a disagreement isn't the same as disagreeing, is it? Guess this is one endless argument/ discussion.. am sure mutual friends would agree ;)

Btw, have you watched a River runs through it? your opinion reminds me of my favorite quote from the movie :)

Suvasini said...

I know it is an endless argument and i know which side our mutual friend is going to be... ;)

As for the river runs through, I think I ve seen that movie a long time ago... and with my memory, i rarely remember quotes... Would like to know what it is though...