Sunday, July 11, 2010


In a world where almost everything is seemingly going wrong, i try to find my ground...
And i try to stand there like a rock against all storms...

The world sees a rock,
seemingly rigid and frozen, unchanging, unmoving, unaffected by the storm raging all around it...

But, they don't see that through all the storms, the rock is getting altered,
it is getting worn out and turning to dust ...
its resilience is getting tested and it will eventually give up
they don't see the cracks that seep through
nor the pieces that break off...

The rock is not immune to the forces of nature... it just shows immense courage in braving it all...
it cracks and it chips, it breaks and it wears out...
it will eventually turn to dust but before that it will hopefully stand out as a beautiful sculpture...
its struggle through the storms will hopefully give it a meaning and a purpose....
and then when it is all over,
the dust from the rock's struggle will hopefully give rise to new life,
a life which would not have been possible without the struggles...
a new beginning with a new meaning...
And that will hopefully give meaning to a life of struggle...
And that's the hope that i see for a rock in a world that's a raging tornado...
And that's the hope i live with day after day...


SecondSight said...

On a related note, one of my favorite quotes-
Ring the bells that still can ring,
Forget the perfect offering.
There's a crack in everything-
That's how the light gets in!

All those cracks and dips in the surface of the rock are what make it lovely, so enjoy the swirls of the tornado too :)

Suvasini said...

Thank you Second sight.. :)

It is indeed a wonderful quote... "That's how the light get in" !!

And well, i am trying to enjoy all i can of the whirlwind around and though i am desperately hoping for the calm to settle in...
Hopefully soon... :)