Saturday, July 17, 2010

A world upside down...

Imagine a world

where education is a liability
where appearances are more important than the facts
where opinions bind you and ignorance is liberating
where what you say is more important than what you do
and what you think is less important than what you say
where independence is a burden
where honesty is dreaded
where everyone is right and then NO one is
where, what you don't think is more important than what you think
where everyone is more important than your self
where your name tells more about your abilities than anything else
where truth is kept under wraps and appearances propagated
where the end is more important than the means
where beauty is more important than the brains
where rationality fails and faith rules
where objectivity gives way to superstition
where intellect is dead weight and idiocy is cherished
where attitude is more important than aptitude
where the able carry the burdens for the inept
where the past is more important than the present or the future
where everyone understands but pretends not to
where mindless acceptance is cherished more than thoughtful disagreement
where promises are made to be broken
where words are hollow and deeds are empty

This is not a remote world from the Gulliver's travels...

This is a world we live in, a world we are breathing in and out...

A world, I am constantly fighting to avoid getting drawn into the whirlpool...

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