Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Do as the romans do....

"When in Rome, Do as the Romans do"

A proverb we have all heard of, so very often... I have been at the receiving end of many such pieces of advice and every time i cannot but ask "Why ?"

Why is there such a premium on conformity and similarity? Why is difference not appreciated? Why does one have to pay a price for being different? Why don't we value a different perspective? why cant we even tolerate a different opinion? They are after all what make things new? Differences enrich our lives, they give us room to think and to improve, to learn and to unlearn? Similarities are boring and mind numbing, although vaguely comforting.... But is comfort worth the stagnation? Why live your life in boundaries defined by someone? Why not just go with the right thing?

Well..... There may be no absolute right and no absolute wrong and it may all be a matter of perspectives but they should be "your" perspectives and how can you all think the same... ??? Why do as the romans do when you have a sense of self and the clarity to do things differently and perhaps better ? Why not a new way ? Why tread the beaten path ? Why ? Why wallow in the comfort of familiarity when you have a better way ? Why do what the others do when you can be better ?

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