Sunday, October 17, 2010

Happy Birthday...

Sometimes as you are rushing through life, running frantically towards an end, everything seems hazy and distorted... At such times, moments arise which cause you to pause and wonder, to sit back and reminisce, to look forward and hope... And then the world appears clear and sharp... and life feels good !

A birthday was that punctuation needed for me to sit down and take stock... Asked to write about a group of people and a relationship which bound them together... I was at a loss for words and starting from the beginning was the only way forward...

The story as I see began nearly half a decade back...

Like monochromatic beams of light streaking through the universe there were 7 independent people who saw the world in a completely different light.... They had their own hues, views, and perspectives which tinged their worlds.

However, as destiny and randomness would have it, the forces of nature converged these seven lives like a prism and bound them into the bonds of friendship. Their disparate lives and viewpoints converged and their hues blended in harmony. Wholesome and complete, like the pristine purity of white light which emerges through the convergence of the 7 colors in a prism this group of people complemented each others' strengths and weaknesses. This was one complete being. There was the geek and the dude, the nervous wreck and the lazy bum, the planner and the executor, the yakker and the soul searcher, the sweet toothed and the spice seeker, the fortunate and thunderstruck, the artist and the muse, workaholic and the 'alcoholic'... :-)

Like a crystal which grows as if with a life of its own around a nucleating point these relationships too grew and attained a form and a life of their own... It was a friendship that framed our lives together like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle...

As we battled our daily horrors, we had each other to fall back on. Our sorrows were divided and our joys multiplied...

In this new light, the world seemed like a different place. As one of those 7 colors, I saw the world for what it was through these various perspectives. It was a new world for me as my tinted glasses gave way to a brighter and a clearer picture of the world and its people. I saw the world for what it was and I saw myself for what I could be....

And then as we wove our way through the warps and wefts of space and time, these relationships and the bonds that held us morphed....but like the rainbow that streaks the sky, we seven friends stayed together as we charted our life's trajectories and followed our destines. To the world this friendship was like a beautiful rainbow with seven different colors but to us we were all parts of the same whole... Our lives were intertwined as they were woven together with a shared past even though the future lay in the unknown....

And today, as I type trying to wish someone special a wonderful birthday, I see the beginning of an end, the end of an era...

I also cross my fingers and hope that this end as i see, is only the end of the beginning, a beginning which held great promise ! A beginning which I deeply cherish as it defines me in more ways than one... I hope that as our lives unfold, our past will hold us together even in the future.

But then the melancholy is for another day and another time. Today is a time to celebrate... Its a time to wish someone the best in the world with the faith that wishes do come true... And so...

Happy Birthday Girl !!!

I hope and wish that you have a wonderful birthday and an even better life ahead...

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