Saturday, April 17, 2010

Of the past and the future...

Age once met youth along the way on a bright and sunny day, It is a rarity to see the two together so i stood listening by the bay Age grieved about the strength she no longer has, while youth yearned for resilience. Age missed the joy of discovery while youth wished for wisdom of the ancients... Youth was impetuous and bold but she lacked the skill of patience... Youth had curiosity while age was weighed under the burden of the past's grievance. Youth lived a life of spirit, while age was on constant audit... While one weighed all the options before action, the other lived a life of passion, far from the calls of reason... While the two went on about their past and future I realized that the past of one was the future of the other and that this was but the rule of nature.... !! As one grew in age, experience and prudence, you forgot to enjoy life's momentary brilliance Life moves on with varying cadence As the warps and wefts of time alter your sentience You lose some and you gain some, as time leads you on what stays with you, becomes the essence of you, long after you are gone. I fit this thought into my mind's structure as i let time and tide carry me from these tiny moments of leisure... back to the present's clatter with impending deadlines that threaten the dreamer...

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