Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The illusion of love ...

Out of the many people you meet, some tend to grow upon you... Chance meetings end up being life altering in ways that the heart does not understand and the mind cannot comprehend...

Strangers become acquaintances, acquaintances become friends, friends become good friends... and then... somewhere along the line, you need them in your life to get through each day... You miss days without them and you want to feel them all around you. Your heart longs for the them, your mind works its magic and illusions abound! You lose the peace and quiet, buried deep inside you as the heart rages from hope to sorrow and joy, all within a span of a few moments...

You want to get out of the addiction but it holds its grip firm on those tiny mental spaces in your head where silences abound... You are no longer the person you started out... you are struggling to put words to thoughts as your mind races ahead at its own pace. Your dreams and desires overtake reality and soon you interpret reality from your dreams... You end up seeing life in a monochrome and reality is no longer real...

Love or even the illusion of love has that effect on you. If this is the effect of the illusion, what havoc would the reality of love cause ... I wonder !!!

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