Friday, May 21, 2010

Missing pieces...

Its me in the corner,
Its me in the spot light,
I am nothing but a hostage...
A hostage to my dreams and my desires
to the visions of my past and my future
to my conscience and my guilt
to my fears and my nightmares
to my own walls and boundaries
to my love for myself and others
to my own thoughts
to my heart and my mind

But then what am I if not a sum of these....
Am I just the potential waiting to be realized or
am I everything in between ?

Its me in the corner,
Its me in the spot light,
I am nothing but a hostage...
trying to choose my confessions,
losing my religion in finding divinity,
losing myself in finding others, and losing others in finding myself...
Making myself from the parts and making parts out of me...
Searching for the world's place in me and for my place in the world....

But then i am trying,
to be the difference I want to make
to realize my potential and to find the "me"
and that's all i Can do...

(PS - Sometimes some words stay with you and haunt you, you can think about them, breathe them, eat them, but still not make sense of them, and you can never make sense of them till you find another phrase and they just complete each other and a picture emerges... That's what happened when i first heard "losing my religion, choosing my confessions" - A famous song by REM.... I knew there was more to it but could never figure out what... till of course i found the missing pieces over a conversation)

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