Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Some things and some people grow on you, knowingly or unknowingly, you give them so much control over your life that its difficult to live without them around. Life seems such a pain without those few things and people. I have come to hate myself for giving so much power to so few…

Friends, coffee and my books, I feel handicapped without these things… I am sure there's more on the list that I haven't yet spotted…
I hate myself for being unable to live without these…. I wish to be independent of such influences because I absolutely detest the pain I go through at the time of withdrawal every time… !! Its an addiction to a support system and that weakens you and prevents you from marching ahead alone… which you have to do, a lot of times in life… These things hold so much power over you that out of the fear of losing them you leave them untouched, to their whims and fancies…
You build your life around these elements… but sometimes, one just needs to break these self imposed barriers and move into the unknown, face the pain and the loneliness and learn to walk alone…

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