Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Relationships, I guess are like clothes…
We grow into some
And we grow out of some…
You are born into some,
While you pick and choose some….
Some are dearer to you as they wear out,
Some you are just glad to get rid of….
They are what the world sees of you,
But they also make you what you are….
You don’t need them but,
Life is better with them...
Some fade with time,
While some grow in time...
Some need to be treasured,
While others are for the rough days...
Some protect you, while
some others need your care instead…
Some are based on the first sight,
while some are based on deep insight….
Some are casual with no strings attached,
While some make it difficult to stay detached….
Relationships, I guess are like clothes,
We grow into some,
And we grow out of some.

What do you do when you grow out of your old clothes ? Wear them despite the discomfort or get rid of them ? Or simply keep them aside to love and cherish… For me anything old is to be treasured simply because it was a part of my life at one time… I cant throw them away because they are mine and I cant wear them because of the sheer discomfort. So, I guess, as I grow out of clothes, I treasure them as the past and keep them as a part of my life but I then need to find new clothes to fill in the loss… I guess, you grow out of some clothes and you grow into some…

This post was a result of some quiet moments reflecting on some old friendships that I had grown out of… or perhaps, I had never grown into…

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