Tuesday, May 25, 2010

New "big-innings"... :)

I am looking for a vent.
I am looking to drain out the past -
The thoughts and the worries,
The words and the stories,
Some friendships and some foes,
The joys and the sorrows,
The hopes and the dreams,
I want to drain them all out.

I want them all to just flow out of me,
Into the unknown.
I want to feel emptiness after long...
Not the heavy heart or the wandering mind.
I want to feel stillness and quiet,
I want to fill myself up all over again with all that I choose.
I want to begin afresh,
Out of the shadows of the past,
As I walk into the unknown.
I want to make myself all over again,
Piece by piece, thought by thought,
Very carefully so as to not repeat the past,
But to build only a future,
I want to remember the lessons of the past and nothing else.

I want to start afresh
I want to start bigger and better
For I have found all that I need
My Self, and my people
My courage to be vulnerable and open
My awareness of my fears
My clarity about my confusion
My existence for my joys
My honesty for the world and my deceits to myself
My weaknesses in my strengths and my strengths in my weaknesses
I have it all and
Now its just time to move on….
To rise from the ashes of the past like the phoenix and to take to the skies again...

Thanks to all the people who were a part of this realization… :)

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