Monday, May 17, 2010

Think thee not !!!

Sometimes, very often these days, i end up wishing that i could just stop thinking, stop pondering over the past, stop wondering about the future, stop dissecting, stop extrapolating, stop hypothesizing, stop imagining !! Oh, how I wish I could stop my brain from firing and just be... without needless speculation, without thinking ! Sometimes, I think (despite attempting not to) we end up complicating our lives needlessly... !!! If only one can voluntarily block the random thoughts as they stealthily invade your private space, crowd and clutter your mind and create a din in you head... If only...

Sometimes, it almost feels like I think compulsively, cos if i don't have problems of my own to think about, i end up focusing on problems of others and still keep thinking... !!!
Why can't we stop thinking and just be... just feel and experience each moment and live life as it comes up...

I wish I could... !! I am trying nonetheless ...

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